A downloadable game

Attention! So far the game only has Russian language. I will add English translation soon.
This is the first prototype of my game. I am a complete newbie in this, so if you find any bugs, please leave feedback, preferably with screenshots of the error. I hope you enjoy it.

Rated 4.8 out of 5 stars
(5 total ratings)
GenreVisual Novel
Tags2D, Adult, Erotic, Hand-drawn, Pixel Art, Romance, RPG Maker, Short, Slice Of Life


7 days with sister, Bug Fix.rar 125 MB

Development log


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Hello everyone, how are you? I feel better and started drawing again (trying), what do you think about the hairstyle and eyes? Many people don't like eyes without pupils, so I'm thinking what to do about it. Some people also say that Anna looks young (she's 18 years old) although I try to make her as attractive and cute as possible. Maybe I worry too much about it and it's not worth changing anything. What do you think about it?

Look Good

(1 edit)

It's great

I like this. 
When can we expect a new update?

When I get better. It's ironic that after I quit my nasty job, I immediately got sick. Now I'm sitting here taking medication and hoping for the best.

oh I'm sorry, I hope you get better soon <3

дс серв есть ?

Нет, но могу создать если будет много народу сидеть.

Делай жду обнову

раша раша держава наша

The gal heavily reminds me of Tomoko, then again might be the trick of my mind needing more Watamote representation

Yes, I was inspired by Tomoko and Hex Maniac.

Right on the money I was lol

Peak Cinema.

Having some issues getting the game to launch. It seems that some of the files may be missing. I've tried reinstalling it a couple of times, but I keep getting the same results. If I try to open the image that it says failed to load, I get an error saying that windows doesn't support the file format. Any idea as to what might be causing it?

I'll fix it before the weekend.

Awesome. Thank you.

Added a file with pictures needed for plugins. Unzip the archive, add pictures from the folder to "system" and run the game via game.exe. If it doesn't help, the problem is not in the game.

Ребята извиняюсь за такую задержку в разработке, очень много времени потратил на перевод (точнее разбирался с json файлами).
Следующее обновление постараюсь выпустить на следующих выходных.


Added English translation. If you wish, you can add the translation to your language in the locales folder. Please write if you find any bugs.

there is a bug where when your sister asks if you want to join here in the shower the prompt keeps repeating. 

Fixed. I'm thinking of reworking the events, adding the ability to choose actions with your sister (like it's done in the kitchen), what do you think?

I that would be nice, gives more depth

cant wait for english !


Tomorrow (or today, depending on the time zone) I will release a version with the ability to change the language. I will also add a folder for translations (if someone wants to, they can translate the game into other languages).

РПГ 18+ игра отечественного производства ... в это стоит поиграть 🗿

Опа, игры с двача подъехали



Dude you Russia?


Can you tell me what the interaction all, I only see yoga and bathing, and what that pink gear is, my Russian not well, thank you

Pink is underwear (I'm not very good at drawing), so far the game only has the prologue and 4 interactions with the sister, in the future I will add more interactions around the house and different clothes. I will also add a visual animation of the kiss.

Got it, thank you for the explanation, the game is great, and also, sister is cute  :)